Thursday, 6 October 2016

Gel Lighting Beauty Shoot - Technique

Key Light - The main light used to light the subject
Beauty Dish - A circular dish which is flexible - if it's white it is more diffusive, if it is silver it has more contrasted directional lighting.
Diffusion Sock - The cover placed on the Beauty Dish, it makes the light more diffused (more even)
Honey Comb - Something put over the light to control the direction of the light, this restricts the direction of the light
Fill Light - The lighting placed under the Beauty Dish which fills in the shadows
Back Light - This light separates the subject from the background, it's behind the model and it lights up parts such as the hair.
Colour Gel: A transparent coloured material that is used in filmography, photography or theatre for coloured lighting or for colour correction

Lighting Diagram:

This is a lighting diagram that my shoot group drew. it shows us how we put the lights when we set up the studio, the lighting diagram is a good reference point for what to do if we want to recreate the shoot. The two back lights had gels over them, they changed the lights colour which caused the effect that we can see in our photographs. We also used a fill light and a key light, these made the photograph look lighter. if we had just used the gel lights it would've been too dark because the gel lights, especially the dark blue gels, block a lot of light getting through.


  1. you can extend yourself for this techniques by marking the light meter readings on the diagram and explaining what they mean... why were the f stops at the clip lights different to the key light... you need to post an image which exemplifies the technique... You should be showing examples of the light shaping devices add this through independent research.. (google).

  2. you are missing one element the honey comb grids, explain why they were used...
